Thursday 14 June 2012

Ethics and Legal Responsibility in the News

There have been many positive changes in business in the past few decades, but there is still work to be done. I have compiled some interesting articles that will demonstrate some challenges that we still face in modern business.

1. The first article I found was about corruption which is threatening Europe's economic recovery. People have been found to be diverting public money, with corrupt public officials that are cutting corners, and getting away with it because of a lack of accountability.

2. Another interesting article I found is about bloggers at Forbes that work freelance and who's blogs aren't checked to verify that the information is credible. This self publishing landed Forbes in hot water in May, over a post that "prompted calls of sexism."

3. This article explains how female surgeons that become pregnant during residency are treated unfairly, and have to deal with negative bias. This negative bias may be deterring females from choosing that field of study.

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