Thursday 14 June 2012

Law and Ethics, as Reflected in Language

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when writing and communicating in business:
  • Keep things gender neutral
  • Avoid unnecessarily indicating ethnicity or race
  • Avoid specifying age unless it is relevant
  • Do not refer to a persons disability unless it is relevant

It is important to adapt your language to be sure that it remains legal and ethical. Extra care should be taken when writing or communicating about the following:
  • Investments: Information must not be misleading. No exaggerations or withholding information.
  • Safety information: Consumers must be warned of any product risks. They must indicate how to safely use the product and explain technical terms such as “carcinogen”
  • Marketing: messages must not show false prices, or mislead the consumer in any way. The language used must not promise more than is actually offered.
  • Human resources: Avoid using negative comments when dealing with employees. Keep information work related. In HR awareness of laws is pertinent, as is sensitivity and careful use of language, to prevent lawsuits.
  • Copyright: Protects literary and textual works. This means only the creator can authorize use of the copyrighted works. 

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