Thursday 14 June 2012

What Are Ethics (and How do They Relate to Business)?

Ethics: "the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group"

Ethics are a set of rules or guidelines, which are often self-imposed, to guide how we behave and conduct ourselves as human beings. Ethics can be held by individuals or shared by many of people within a society. Ethics are what people decide to be right or wrong, good or bad and often reflect personal morals and values which are learned from birth.

Although ethics are important to many individuals, they also play a large role in business. Ethics are reflected in operations and activities within businesses, and although they may be difficult to define, modern business would not be what it is today without them. Honest and open behaviour is expected from businesses by various parties including shareholders, employees, suppliers and customers.

Ethics are strongly reflected in language, so it is very important that business people of the future learn how to use language effectively, without insulting others or coming off as unethical. Ethics change and develop over time, and businesses are expected to do the same. This topic will be discussed further, so please check back frequently.  

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